Are the Republican messages of anti abortion and anti welfare mutually exclusive? - DebateIsland Development Environment The Best Online Debate Website |

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Are the Republican messages of anti abortion and anti welfare mutually exclusive?
in Politics

By ih8shartsih8sharts 59 Pts
If you force people who can not afford to have children to have them anyway, wouldn't cutting welfare and food stamp programs be counter productive?

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  • If you work with the assumption that a fetus is a person its consistent but its just not, its a fetus.. So yeah its a contradiction when being objective because the premise "abortion is murder" is not based in fact.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 1699 Pts
    Not necessarily. For example, a point of view can exist that you are fully responsible for the consequences of sex, and if that sex led to conception, then you are responsible for birthing and raising the child regardless of your finances. In this point of view, the object of the law would be the mother and not the child: the Republican promoting this outlook could be more concerned with the mother having responsibility, than with the child deserving a proper life. You could ask where this responsibility comes from, if it does not come from the care for the life of the child - but this is another matter.
  • Republicans believe that abortion is murder and that they're not responsible for raising your kid. So, they oppose killing kids but that does not mean they view it as their job to raise them.
  • No, their needs to be welfare reform due to decrease the government’s expenses and descrease the deficit in the US.
    DebateIslander and a lover. 
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