Are we all one human race? - DebateIsland Development Environment The Best Online Debate Website |

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Are we all one human race?
in General

Position: For
I say yes. I am a Christian, so I believe the Bible when it says in Acts 17:26 that God hath made from one blood all the nations of men who dwell upon the earth, and science that we all have one human ascestor. I don't personally believe in evolution, and skin color is super ficial. I conbclude that racial unity is the answer.
Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

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SQL ERROR Table 'i2483808_vf2.Comment' doesn't existError getting name of the opponent: Table 'i2483808_vf2.User' doesn't existError getting argument count: Table 'i2483808_vf2.Comment' doesn't existError getting vote count: Table 'i2483808_vf2.Comment' doesn't existError getting comment count: Table 'i2483808_vf2.Comment' doesn't exist

Debate Type: Traditional Debate

Voting Format: Casual Voting


Rounds: 2

Time Per Round: 24 Hours Per Round

Voting Period: 24 Hours



  • Round 1 | Position: Against
    Well, this will be a fun debate to participate in. I want to give some examples that explain why we are all not from on human race. We see in athletics that black people continue to dominate. Look at the diversity in basketball, or Olympic sprinting. We have seen that epicanthic folds (Asian eyes not trying to be offensive here) appear in people mostly of certain races. We see that there are differences in iq between races:

    Image result for race iq chart

    This is why Asians are known for succeeding in academics so well compared to other races. In conclusion, we are not one human race and due to these differences, we are all subspecies of the genus Homo Sapiens. I'm not saying we didn't all evolve from a common ancestor (although we might have not) but that we are at least different enough evolution wise to consider each other subspecies. Thank you.
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