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Are Americans Ok With Illegal Immigrants Coming Into Their Country?
in Immigration

By TKDBTKDB 187 Pts edited February 2019

Or if they came here on a temporary visa, and over stayed their visas, are you as well comfortable with that common place practice, of those individuals who are staying in the country illegally, on your tax dollars? 

Are you maybe OK as well, with some of the individuals in your country as well, trying to Socialize your country, with their apparent, (Socialist Ideals?)

Socialize your country, for the illegal immigrants, who have been coming to this country illegally, since the late 1980's?

Do you maybe view those, 300 sanctuary cities, who are, and have been giving sanctuary to those 11-22 million illegal immigrants, are you OK, with that practice, of giving those illegal immigrants sanctuary, while they are in the United States of America, underneath your very noses?

Are you OK, with some of the businesses who are, and have been utilizing those same illegal immigrants, to do work for them, by breaking the IRCA law, that former President Reagan signed into law back in 1986? 

Are you OK, with roughly 300 illegal immigrants, coming into the United States illegally each day?

Some of the ranchers who live along the southern border, have been dealing with, and living with the illegal immigrants who have been coming through their properties for years?

How do you feel about that? (Does is it maybe upset you, or do you maybe view it, as just bad luck, that those ranchers happened to be living, along the Border, where the illegal immigrants come into the country illegally, and are tresspassing into the country illegally as well?

And do those political representatives from both sides of the political aisles, who are apparently maybe pro illegal immigrant in their individual stances, and support the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)?

Do they maybe speak for you, or when it comes to your stances on the illegal immigrants and their efforts for coming into the United States illegally, do you feel that they should be rewarded for their law breaking efforts with amnesty? %1$s&ampshare=

Some excerpts from the article:

"Nancy Pelosi Promises to Pass Illegal Alien Amnesty via Dream Act"

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) promised over the weekend to pass the Dream Act in the new Congress, which would provide amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

Pelosi, who will likely become the next speaker of the House in January, said in a statement on Saturday that she will work to pass the Dream Act with her new House Democrat majority."

“America draws strength from our long, proud heritage as a nation of immigrants. In the Majority, Democrats will work to reverse the Republicans’ destructive anti-immigrant agenda,” Pelosi contended. “Our House Democratic Majority will once again pass the Dream Act to end the uncertainty and fear inflicted on patriotic young men and women across the country.”

Pelosi released the statement in response to a letter from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, which urged Pelosi to take up legislation in the first 100 days of the new term to protect Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) illegal aliens and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) refugees. The Hispanic Caucus stressed that any new legislation should include a “pathway to citizenship,” “an end to immigration laws that tear families apart,” an end to the “militarization of our borderlands,” and a “recommitment to our nation’s founding ideals as a place of refuge for those seeking protection at our borders.”

“Undocumented immigrants work hard, obey the laws, and pay taxes. They are our friends and neighbors. They are part of the American social fabric and deserve a pathway to the American dream,” the Hispanic group added in the letter.

Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), one of the lawmakers who signed the letter to Pelosi, told CBS News that Democrats should move “expeditiously” in January to pass legislation to shield illegal immigrants and TPS refugees from deportation, without funding a wall on America’s southern border.

“I think the Dream Act should be taken on alone, with no poison pills attached to it,” Espaillat said.

President Donald J. Trump and congressional Republicans contended they could only consider some form of amnesty for illegal aliens if it were tied to wall funding as well as pro-American immigration reform such as E-Verify, ending chain migration, and ending the diversity lottery.

Espaillat said, “These young people are still in limbo. Had it not been for the courts, they would probably be underground. They would be in the shadows.”

So do you find it, fair or unfair, that the 11-22 illegal immigrants illegally living in the country right now deserve amnesty?

They deserve to be rewarded for their years worth of coming into the United States illegally, and at your expense, meaning your tax dollars? 


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