Is it the new "Normal" to Ignore Texts and Emails? - DebateIsland Development Environment The Best Online Debate Website |

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Is it the new "Normal" to Ignore Texts and Emails?
in Technology

By agsragsr 851 Pts

How It Became Normal to Ignore Texts and Emails

Digital messages mimic the speed of real conversation, but often what people like best is the ability to put them off.

I think putting off emails is generally fine, but ignoring or significantly delaying replying to texts is really snobbing someone.
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  • No.  That's not normal at my job or in my life.  That's just people become rude.  And/or it's people being inundated with junk to the point the stuff that isn't junk gets buried.
  • Yes.  There is a new narcissism/conceitedness on the rise and this is one area that it manifests above the surface (visually).
  • Who knows for sure, I hope not!
  • someone234someone234 630 Pts
    edited January 2018
    If you aren't worth my time, you aren't worth my reply.

    I'm the type of guy who handles rejection really well so for me it's very hard to care what someone feels if I ignore them since I just think 'their loss of my loyalty' in the shoes of the ignored party.
  • The sender makes a unilateral decision.

    The receiver has a perfect right to do the same.
  • It depends. Sometimes, not responding to spoken words are bad as well. If, however, you are getting constant texts that consist of "How are you?" every five minutes, you should respond "Stop texting, please." or not respond. Lesson: Only send important information before people begin to ignore you.
  • @anonymousdebater, that's a good point that not responding to causual inflow of messages maybe okay.   Ot respondimg to messages with questions or professional emails is probably irresponsible in most cases
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