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Should the United Kingdom legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use?
in Politics




    "After Years of Daily 'Wake 'n' Bakes' I Faced My Battle with Psychological Weed Addiction

    It took more than a decade, countless pledges to quit cold turkey, and some harsh words from my grandmother, but I've finally decided to start taking my dependence on weed seriously.

    For the past six years or so, I've started my day with the same mantra. I peel my eyes open after an extended battle with the snooze button and pledge, "I'm not going to smoke weed this morning." The mantra is usually followed by a heartfelt promise to myself that I will spend my day writing, as opposed to floating through the world in a weed haze.

    I repeat the mantra steadily as I drag my rear end out of bed and over to the staple white Ikea shelf that houses my dearest treasures. A black-and-gold witch medallion that belonged to my grandmother hangs there. A small bejeweled elephant perches on top of the shelf—my best friend acquired him for me during her travels. He has a secret compartment, and housed within is a piece of red jade. Red jade, Ashley says, has the power to help combat hesitation and fear.

    Alongside the medallion, the elephant, and the jade is my deep blue glass pipe. As the final words of my mantra wisp out of me, I pick it up and stuff it full of weed. I perch on the edge of my bed and smoke "just one bowl."

    As I said, I've been a proponent of the wake 'n' bake for about six years. But I've been smoking just about daily for over a decade now. It started when I was 16, and I'll be 27 in a couple of weeks.

    Given the opportunity, I smoke about three times per day: once in the morning, then in the afternoon, and between one and infinity joints at night, depending on how much weed I have. I smoke just to get through the boring parts of my day: grunt tasks like making breakfast, showering, running errands, and walking to work.

    Some days, I feel like I don't get high anymore—just transcend to another mood. While I'm not as productive as I could be, I am what they call a functioning stoner: I can usually read, write, drive, do chores, and carry on conversations while high. The only problem is that I usually just decide not to bother with said activities."

  • @TTKDB You're vice article is FAKE NEWS. The National Institute on Drug Abuse says point blank, " marijuana is NOT addictive". A dependence is different than an addiction. If an avid weed smoker just decided to quit one day, they may experience moodiness, anxiety, trouble sleeping, and a change in appetite for a few weeks or so, after that they're just fine. Heroine addicts, alcoholics, meth addicts can have withdrawals for more than a year and may need other drugs to help curb their ongoing addictions. Those drugs will cause a physical dependence that will most likely need specialized attention to help the addicts with getting and staying sober. Marijuana users don't need other drugs for them to stop, they do not experience withdrawals. Nice try with the FAKE science article from some guy I've never heard of. FAIL!!!!!

    So what about my offer to help you out with making actually convincing arguments for your point of view? I could PM you, make a couple of good points and you can just fill in the rest with that rhetorical banter you're oh so good at. I also don't understand why you won't accept my friend request. Just because we disagree on every single thing possible, doesn't mean we can't be friends. Give it some thought. 
  • @piloteer

    Did you view the below as fake news?

    "After Years of Daily 'Wake 'n' Bakes' I Faced My Battle with Psychological Weed Addiction

    It took more than a decade, countless pledges to quit cold turkey, and some harsh words from my grandmother, but I've finally decided to start taking my dependence on weed seriously.

    For the past six years or so, I've started my day with the same mantra. I peel my eyes open after an extended battle with the snooze button and pledge, "I'm not going to smoke weed this morning." The mantra is usually followed by a heartfelt promise to myself that I will spend my day writing, as opposed to floating through the world in a weed haze.

    I repeat the mantra steadily as I drag my rear end out of bed and over to the staple white Ikea shelf that houses my dearest treasures. A black-and-gold witch medallion that belonged to my grandmother hangs there. A small bejeweled elephant perches on top of the shelf—my best friend acquired him for me during her travels. He has a secret compartment, and housed within is a piece of red jade. Red jade, Ashley says, has the power to help combat hesitation and fear.

    Alongside the medallion, the elephant, and the jade is my deep blue glass pipe. As the final words of my mantra wisp out of me, I pick it up and stuff it full of weed. I perch on the edge of my bed and smoke "just one bowl."

    As I said, I've been a proponent of the wake 'n' bake for about six years. But I've been smoking just about daily for over a decade now. It started when I was 16, and I'll be 27 in a couple of weeks.

    Given the opportunity, I smoke about three times per day: once in the morning, then in the afternoon, and between one and infinity joints at night, depending on how much weed I have. I smoke just to get through the boring parts of my day: grunt tasks like making breakfast, showering, running errands, and walking to work.

    Some days, I feel like I don't get high anymore—just transcend to another mood. While I'm not as productive as I could be, I am what they call a functioning stoner: I can usually read, write, drive, do chores, and carry on conversations while high. The only problem is that I usually just decide not to bother with said activities." 

  • @TTKDB

  • @piloteer

    Here's the link to talk with editor of the website.

    All editorial-related inquiries should be directed to

    So instead of apparently labelling his work fake news, why don't you call him out for supposedly in your opinion, putting out a fake news story on the Vice website? 

  • @piloteer


    "After Years of Daily 'Wake 'n' Bakes' I Faced My Battle with Psychological Weed Addiction

    It took more than a decade, countless pledges to quit cold turkey, and some harsh words from my grandmother, but I've finally decided to start taking my dependence on weed seriously.

    Apr 10 2015, 4:02pm

    How I feel.

    This article originally appeared on VICE Canada.

  • @TTKDB

    Leave us make note of the fact that this person never entered into a rehabilitation or detox center. Those would be the types of places an addict would need to go to get sober. This person never needed that, because this person was NOT addicted to marijuana, she had a bad habit, not an addiction. Thank you for helping to prove my point. Marijuana is not addictive. You are a peddler of FAKE science. Your assertions are FAKE news. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  • @piloteer

    Did you email the editor?

    "Leave us make note of the fact that this person never entered into a rehabilitation or detox center. Those would be the types of places an addict would need to go to get sober. This person never needed that, because this person was NOT addicted to marijuana, she had a bad habit, not an addiction. Thank you for helping to prove my point. Marijuana is not addictive. You are a peddler of FAKE science. Your assertions are FAKE news. You should be ashamed of yourself."

    Are you HER doctor?

    Do you have a PhD in medicine?

    You can read the words from someone and make a diagnosis that can affect a person's life based solely on their words, without seeing the lady from the article in person? 

    Let's see some certificates?

    What college gave you an education in medicine? 

     Those parents who use weed around their kids, where weed is illegal, are those offenders self entitled to use weed around their kids illegally based upon your pro weed point of view? 

    Are the teenagers who illegally use weed, are they self entitled to illegally use weed based upon your pro weed point of view?

    When the weed addicts illegally use weed in their vehicles in front of a grocery store or a mall parking lot, and then leave the parking lot stoned on weed, are they self entitled to illegally use weed based upon your pro weed point of view?

  • @TTKDB

    Where are your credentials in journalism. It's obvious to everyone here that you aren't even old enough to drive and all your doing is randomly looking up articles on marijuana. You are FAKE news. I'm starting to wonder if you are a real person or just one of those bots set up by Russia to help disseminate FAKE news and FAKE science. I have emailed Aarong about looking into your email address and checking to see whether it's a legitimate address or your just a bot. The people of DI don't deserve FAKE news or FAKE science. Don't bother replying, I will be blocking you. I no longer have time to talk to a bot.
  • @piloteer

    You're all about you, and the weed smokers? 

    If drug users are smoking weed and neglecting some of their own youth, are you maybe ok with that? 

    I think that when some people drive to work high on weed, work while high on weed, and get high on their lunch break, that recreational weed owns that person's mind and conscious.
    Do you agree or disagree with that hypothesis? 

    That they gave in to the drug, and their life has become defined by the drug.
    Do you agree or disagree with that hypothesis? 

    Because the below happens often, doesn't it? 
    So when some rob innocent people for their wallet's or purses, or rob a store for a few hundred or thousands of dollars, are you ok with people committing crimes to support their weed or illegal drug habits in general.

    Are you going to label all of the robberies as fake news stories as well? 

    The news depending on where a person lives is full of stories like the happening above.

    And all of the major and local news media outlets cover such news stories.

    So you can mindfully sweep away.

    But you're not doing that with ABC, CBS, or NBC news, unless Vice news comes up with it's own news channel.

  • @TTKDB

    I assure you that I am far more "all about me" than I am "the weed smokers". I'm the most important person I know!

    So now weed smokers are robbing stores and snatching purses to fund their habits?!?!? Really? Reaaallllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy?!? I noticed you don't have one of your FAKE news articles to back up your claim here. What's the matter, not even the FAKE news peddlers were willing to follow you on your baseless accusations? I'm sure you could have found one those Moscow funded FAKE science articles to back up your claim, you know, if you had looked hard enough. It's like you don't even care anymore, your hearts not really in this any longer. 

    I'm just gonna leave this here for you. :o

  • @piloteer

    "Legal marijuana cuts violence says US study, as medical-use laws see crime fall"

    When you legalize the weed users preferred drug of choice, of course you're going to see drops in crime.

    It rids the offenders of giving themselves a way out of getting into trouble with the law, the court system, like some of them did when weed was illegal before hand, right? 

    Might you elaborate on the taxation and revenue getting collected by the weed sales, to fund education? 

    I have a question for you, what previous taxation coffers were being used previously to pay for education? 

    Just because alcohol was legalized, did it stop the alcohol abuser's from still driving drunk?

    Nope, looks like the legalization of alcohol, gets abided by some while others year after year still ignore that law.

    Just because recreational weed was legalized, will it keep the drivers high on weed from driving while drugged up on weed?

    Nope, because I've seen teenagers and adults both, smoking weed in grocery store parking lots and driving away after getting high. %1$s&ampshare= 

    "Marijuana-related ER visits by Colorado teens on the rise

    (Reuters Health) - More visits to the emergency room by teens in Colorado are related to marijuana use than in the past, suggesting an impact of the drug's legalization that needs closer attention, researchers say.

    Between 2005 and 2015, the proportion of emergency department or urgent care visits by youth ages 13 to 20 for pot-related illnesses rose from 1.8 per 1,000 visits to 4.9 per 1,000, the study team reports in Journal of Adolescent Health.

    "Most studies evaluating the impact of marijuana legalization on adolescents' use are survey-based studies to evaluate overall recreational use," said lead author Dr. George Wang, a pediatrician at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora."

  • @TTKDB

    Why do you love to harp on me more so than anybody else? I see other threads with you on it, and all you do is say your piece, then you just peace out, but when Pilot is talking, you're all over me like a very disgruntled copilot. You know, I have feelings too and I don't think you always take my feelings into consideration. WAA :'(

    Your rebuttal to the article I posted is incomplete. You claim that crime rates fall simply because marijuana becomes legal, so now it's not a crime. If you look at the title of the article (which you yourself posted), it says that VIOLENT crime rates fall when marijuana is legalized. That means gang violence, robberies, and homicide rates go down, not just cases that involve marijuana possession. 

    The ER article you posted makes it seem like you're scrapping the bottom of the barrel. You haven't proven that marijuana causes more lethal car accidents. You haven't proven that marijuana is addictive, and you didn't even touch the medical benefits of marijuana. Now you got this article that says ER visits are on the rise because of legalized marijuana. If marijuana becomes legal, then it's no longer a crime if you're hospitalized because of it, so people are not afraid to go to the hospital if they get too high. (they can't hang)

  • @piloteer

    Dude, I'm not going to mentally hold your hand, and hope that you figure out addiction, when I basically spelled it out for you.

    There are alcohol addicts who can't be without their alcohol of choice, you want to know more look up the drunk driving stats or mother's against drunk driving.

    Again I'm not holding your hand to walk you up to the MADD website, so that you can educate yourself on the aftermath of drunk driving.

    There are tobacco addicts who can't be without a cigarette, for up to 2-5 packs of smokes a day?

    Ask a tobacco addict how their cigarette habits are affecting their bodies alone?

    Dude, I'll do you a favor and go to YouTube, and share with you, 2 videos where adults are teaching and coaching kids on how to you weed.

    If you want to play word games to help bolster your pro weed point of view, you can be your own guest.

    I'll get the videos, and if you choose to defend the adults in the video, please feel free to.
  • @TTKDB

    "Dude" huh. Ok, so we're assuming gender roles now?!?!? I don't think you're on the correct thread here. If you're gripe is with alcoholics, maybe you should find a debate about alcoholism. This discussion is about marijuana. I guess I'm starting to get a perspective on your problem here. You've been discussing a different subject the whole time. Oh gosh. I'm so embarrassed for you!! Wow. This is so awkward, I don't even know how to finish this argument. I'm just gonna go now :#
  • @piloteer

    Weed addiction just like alcohol addiction, is ignorant.

    Just like drugged driving, and drunk driving are blatantly ignorant.

    Teenagers partying on weed around kids is ignorant.

    Teenagers partying on weed while driving their drugged up selves down the road, and hoping that no one calls the cops on their sorry selves, they deserve to get busted for using drugs while placing the sober drivers lives in danger because of their weed addiction issues.

    Why don't you get brave, and go look up on YouTube, "adult weed users coaching kids in how to use drugs like some of the drug using parents do?"

    Or just laugh it up, and maybe make a claim that there's nothing wrong with some parents using weed around their kids? 

    It comes down to a behind closed doors double standard, just because weed has been legalized, doesn't mean that apparenlty using weed around the kids is legal? 

    Why don't you go look up the new drug laws and see what they say about recreational weed and the youth? 

    Or you could laugh that off as well, and maybe make another claim that supports your pro weed points of view? 
  • @TTKDB

    Whoa whoa hey, take it easy. If you stay calm for a second, I can teach you how to roll a blunt. 
  • @piloteer

    No thanks, I'm not about letting a drug like weed dictate my choice's.
  • @TTKDB

    Are you sure? The blunt paper is pineapple flavored.
  • @piloteer

    "Are you sure? The blunt paper is pineapple flavored."

    Do you maybe smoke weed around the youth? 

  • @TTKDB

    Only around the youth. ONLY!!!!!!
  • @piloteer

    "Only around the youth. ONLY!"

    Would you maybe view that kind of drug use, as discrimination against the youth?
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