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Trump VS Sanders?
in Politics

By aqejiwoxaqejiwox 2 Pts edited January 2017
Who's better?

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  • I would rephrase this question to: "Who is worse?" Both loathe the concepts of freedom and liberty, exercising opposite on the surface, but so similar in details authoritarian ideologies: nationalism and socialism. Both group people into controlling communities and eliminate individuality. Both want to unite everyone under a single banner, in the nation in the first case and in the world in the second case. In other words, both have nothing to do with the American values.

    That said, I think Sanders would be much more dangerous for the democracy as a president. Trump's actions and policies are widely condemned world-wide, in the media and even in his own party; his policies make people reminiscence on the darker times, when human rights were abused left and right and authoritarianism was in the air, and people do not like what they see. With Sanders, however, it is different. The world view he advocates for has never really touched this country, and Americans do not know what it is like to live under socialism (they do not even see the contradiction in the term "democratic socialism"). He is just as anti-free market and anti-individual freedom as Trump, but would he be condemned as widely by Americans and foreigners alike? I do not think so. He appeals to people's lowest qualities such as envy and pity, glorifying them through the moral twisting similar to what fundamentalist Christians do ("It is your duty to give up everything you have to others, and you must be punished if you do not do so"). He does not openly attack mass media, he is smarter than that - hence the media would not be as critical of his authoritarian actions as they are of Trump's. He thinks that the solution to all world's problems is to sit tight, respect their cultures and let dictators subdue their nations with no repercussions. 4 years of his rule would truly be damaging to this country.

    Trump and Sanders as front runners is what happens to a country when it gives up on its own ideals and starts looking for short-cuts justified by "this is for the greater good". Such candidates would be unimaginable merely 20 years ago, and hopefully 20 years from now they will only remain in history books.

  • Not going to get in a long-winded explanation.  The US could not afford Sanders's socialistic ideas.  Nothing is free and we have enough debt problems now.  Trump can speak for himself.  While he may be crude and rude, a 4%+ GDP, Tax cuts that helped all Americans, fighting for leveling trade deals with other world powers (he does not have to pay back corporate sponsorship and lobbyist groups).  Other than his tweets and out of place comments there's not much to condemn Trump about.  He is also the only President to deliver on his campaign promises (unlike someone who promised you could keep your health insurance policy and doctor).
  • To answer the question we first have to ask, which is better, capitalism or socialism? If capitalism is, Trump is best. If socialism is, Sanders is best.
  • Bernie. End of discussion.
  • @Agility_Dude

    I think you kid yourself by calling what Trump advocates for "capitalism". Trump's system is much closer to the current Chinese economy, or Mussolini's corporate state economy: companies are mostly left alone, as long as what they do is deemed to be in the national interest by the ruling class. It is somewhere in between state corporativism and capitalism.

    Just because Trump supports lower taxes, does not mean he values capitalism in any way. Low taxes can coincide with highly interventionist economical policies, as the current Russia (flat tax of 13%) demonstrates. The recent tariffs and heavy subsidies show that this is where Trump's heart lays.

    And before you object, yes, Obama's policies were even more interventionist. I think Bush was the last capitalist who led America, and Bill Clinton was the last democratic capitalist president.
  • Although I don't like him, I think Trump would be a better choice. Sanders would appeal to most liberal laws and ideas, such as gun control. Trump looks to be a conservative, which is why we see him refusing to accept some proposals made by the democrats and most liberals. I would say for this, Trump is a better option, unless you are a hardcode liberal and socialist, then you would be accepting of Sanders. Trump do better please!
    “Communism is evil. Its driving forces are the deadly sins of envy and hatred.” ~Peter Drucker 

    "It's not a gun control problem, it's a cultural control problem."
    Bob Barr
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