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  • guess who

  • Should neuropsychiatrists receive tax exempt status in exchange for the life saving care, they give?

    No... What about surgeons, nurses, and every other health related professions? What about policemen, they could very well argue that they too save lives, then you have firemen, chemists that develop life-saving drugs, etc, etc... The list goes on and on...

    No one should have tax exempt status, no one... Taxes are the rent you pay to live in a given society...
  • Say a prayer


    Hi maxx,

    That can be tested, but tests on prayer are flawed.

    Consider this. What if we were going to test you on how many times you dated blondes compared to how many times you dated redheads to see which type was more effective n attracting you.

    Would the test results be reliable if you knew you were being tested and observed?

    Or consider this one, what if we measured how many times you answered "yes" to your kids compared to your neighbors kids asking you for candy. Would your answer to your kids always be yes? Would your answer to your neighbors kids always be no?

    See, the prayer tests that atheists bring up is an intellectual exercise meant to be deceptive.

    God's answers depend on who asks and what is asked for. Also, because God is omniscient, He cannot be in a blind test. In fact, He simply cannot be tested.

    God does not always answer yes to Christians. Sometimes, His answer is no. And though He can grant the prayers of  nonbelievers, He has no obligation to do so.

    Atheists often act as if God is an algorithm instead of a person. Groups of people can be predicted, individual people much less so.

    I can test and predict to almost 100% certainty what my computer will do if I push a button, my percentage of accuracy will fluctuate wildly with a person.

    But you are right that the brain has energy that can be measured and that our brains do cause matter to move and change.

    Nice topic.
  • When abortion is ok and when it is not ok

    As I've stated before on this issue there are a number of ethical dilemmas and individual circumstances that it is not as simple as declaring that one is "pro-life" or "pro-choice." A proper assessment needs to be made of individual circumstances before any declaration of legislation can proceed.

    With all this being said, however, I do have views of when I think abortion is and isn't ok which I will outline here.
    1. Prevention is better than cure.
    2. Medical conditions.
    3. Quantitive Morality.
    4. The Father.
    Prevention is better than cure

    Within most countries of the western world, we have the privilege of education. Within this education system, we are taught about safe intercourse practices and measures to take to avoid pregnancy in the first place. Now, if you are someone that never bothered to take advantage of the education you were given, decided to go about engaging in intercourse unsafely, became pregnant and then decided that you don't want a baby and went to have an abortion just because you knew an abortion clinic was there at your convenience then this is irresponsible. What's more, is that the longer you wait to abort the more irresponsible you are and with no justification for your position. Knowing that you could have prevented pregnancy in the first place but decided to go about and behave in an irresponsible way anyway gives you no reasonable or moral justification for you wanting to abort.

    On the other hand, if you are someone that is responsible, took precautions, etc but something went wrong then an abortion under these circumstances is acceptable providing it is done as soon as possible.

    Medical conditions

    In this case where is medically necessary to abort then it is justified and acceptable. It's sad, unfortunate but if there really is no other alternative then this is the way it has to be; the lesser of two evils if you will.

    Quantitive Morality

    This bit is about the right time to abort. The way I see it is that the longer one waits to abort the more immoral it is. By contrast, the sooner the decision is made and when it is done the more morally justified it is.

    The Father

    From my own experience, one of the things I hardly ever see get mentioned in the abortion debate is the rights of the father. The dilemma here lies when a mother decides to have an abortion but the father wants a child. The only thing I can suggest here is that if the couple is already at this point then to try and seek some kind of psychological help as this is way out of my depth. That being said, however, I would argue that it would be more prudent for a couple to make sure that there absolutely sure that they want a child in the first place.

  • Is Climate change total nonsense?

    You seriously undermine your position when you resort to being derivative, dismissive for no good reason, and especially when you say things like "Climate Scientists are all a bunch of religious fanatics.' it is becoming very apparent that You  have no idea what you're talking about. Indeed, this debate with you is futile.
  • Transgenderism is a mental health issue?

    It seems like the DSM is taken the view that because they pose no harm to themselves or others then let them do and think/believe whatever they want.
    Well... I would contend that it's the same with any philosophy, or any other belief really like religion for exemple... I don't know how much of an "health" issue transgenderism really is... It may sound weird, but if gender is a social construct, we could argue that it's possible to be a female "man" and a male "woman", as the terms "man" and "woman" refer to "roles" not biology... Yeah, semantics gymnastics maybe but eh... trying to bring fuel to this topic... ;) 

    And like any other belief (whether philosophical or religious), as long as the individual holding said belief is able to function in society, I don't see the problem... It could be argued that the actual problem comes from those trying to deny transgender individuals the right to hold their belief... 

    I'm not transgender and personally don't know any transgender people, to be honest I don't understand the need they have to identify as something other than what we're traditionally accustomed to, at least those who don't actually want to change their sex, that I can understand, but the fact that I don't understand something doesn't mean it's wrong or invalid...
  • are you kidding ?


    I'm sorry that your experience has been what you have expressed thus far.

    I have come to the impression, that the internet is where some, and their various mindsets, ideologies, one sided opinions, and or rhetoric pushing like to play with the public, via their distorting views?

    Hopefully it's not that way with all websites, but given my experience with a few thus far, it has been that way.

    Reason being, one can create an anonymous name, and act, and carry on in a way that suits them, because its the internet?

  • for myself

    If you think about it, absolutely anything you do, you do for yourself. Take the most altruistic, the most charitable act in the Universe - and you will see that, fundamentally, it comes from your desire to satisfy one of your needs.

    So of course a creator of a Universe would create it only for themselves. Now, what part of them caused such creation is an open question - but in the end, they decided to do it because they had some needs that had to be satisfied in such a spectacular way.
  • for myself


    >has little to do with my post. im not  discussing the bible,  reread my post

    You made more than one post. You said...

    >The original manuscripts are so far removed from what we read today that it has lost the original message

    That is blatantly untrue. But if you will only discuss the claim in your OP, which is so presumptive it needs no reply, OK.

    I don't think you'd enjoy "discussing" either of your uninformed positions with me any way. I have this pesky tendency to require logic of everyone.

    And you seem to have a problem with logic. Have a nice day.
  • for myself


    >The original manuscripts are so far removed from what we read today that it has lost the original message

    Have you seen the original manuscripts?

    The oldest copies of the bible are not hidden. We have them. What we have today can be compared. It does not differ.

    And you have never seen the original manuscripts. But we have so many copies from different times and different places that we know what the originals said, and have been able to dismiss mistakes and fakes.

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